In a memorandum to Governor K Rosaiah, PMK President GK Mani said "by sharing secret State documents related to budget preparation with a person not linked to the government, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister O Panneerselvam has violated the oath of secrecy and has also been responsible for the failure of the working of Constitution."
A copy of the memorandum was marked to President Pranab Mukherjee and it was also made available to the media.
DMK chief Karunanidhi had already slammed Chief Minister for the remark.
"The budget is a confidential document which should be prepared by those in the government without the knowledge of outsiders. If Panneerselvam himself accepts it was prepared under Jayalalithaa's directions, doesn't it mean he had violated his oath of secrecy?" he had said.
In the memorandum, Mani also pointed out that Jayalalithaa was convicted by a Bengaluru court in a disproportionate assets case.