The accused have been identified as Sanjay Madaan (42), Feroz Alam (31), Khushi Ram (23), Ragib Alam (22) and Abdul Qadir (38). The gang was based at Lajpat Rai market in Chandni Chowk here, said Joint Commissioner of Police (Crime) Ravindra Yadav.
"As many as 249 duplicate Samsung mobile phones and other fake accessories - like power banks, adapters, bluetooth devices, fashionable earphones and batteries - worth around Rs 45 lakh in total were recovered from their possession," said Yadav.
"A few days ago, we received specific input about phones whose IMEI numbers are different than those indicated on the packaging box and registered a case of cheating and forgery at the Crime Branch office.
Later, Samsung representative confirmed that duplicate and cloned mobile phones are being sold in the market," said Yadav.