The arrested have confessed to the fraudulent withdrawal of Rs 2.78 crore from the accounts of different people in various banks at Amritsar, Banga, Nawanshahar and Ludhiana, Assistant Police Commissioner (ACP) Sapan Sharma said.
One of the arrested, Ramesh Kumar an employee of Punjab National Bank of a local branch used to provide them the vital informations like account numbers, name of the account holder, the serial number of cheque books of the concerned depositors and photo copies of the specimen signatures of the account holder, ACP said.
A laptop, Rs 43,000 in cash, several fake cheques, fake stamps and a printer have been recovered from the possession of the arrested persons, the police official added.
The arrested include king pin of the gang Satish Kumar Bhatia, Surjit Singh, Saudagar Singh, Ramesh Kumar and Jagdev Ram. PTI COR VJ DKS KAS