Three four-wheelers, six motorcycles, seven crude bombs and Rs 16,000 have been recovered from Baidhara Rout, Nuthura Behera, Mitu Dalabehera and Dillip Kumar Das, who were arrested on Sunday.
"Baidhara is the gang leader and owns a garage at Pipili," said SP (Ganjam) Narsingh Bhol. The four-wheelers were looted from Polsara and Kodala in Ganjam district and recovered from Boudh, Bhadrak and Baidhara's garage, he said.
"Nine cases were registered at Polsara and Kodala police stations in connection with theft of vehicles, including five four-wheelers, recently. We have arrested a buyer and efforts are on to nab the others," Bhol said.
The gang allegedly looted vehicles from Ganjam, Bhubaneswar, Balugaon, Banapur, Athagarh, Narsinghpur, Pipili, Bhadrak, Balasore and Cuttack, police said.
Baidhara was first arrested from Balasore in 2007 for a motorcycle theft. In 2010, Bhadrak police arrested him on similar charges. The Khandagiri police in Bhubaneswar nabbed him twice in 2011 and 2013. While lodged in Jharpada Special Jail in the state capital, Baidhara formed his gang. After being released from the jail, he along with his associates started looting vehicles from the later part of 2014, police added.