Complainant Neeraj Sharma told police that he had received a call from one Vineet Sharma who claimed to be a bank employee and asked him to fill some papers, on August 26. Two days later two men came on his electronics goods shop and made him fill the papers as well as two bank cheques of Rs 101 and Rs 150.
On September 4, Neeraj came to know that an amount of Rs 88,100 was withdrawn from his State Bank of Hyderabad account by a person Vineet Sharma.
Neeraj rushed to bank and caught a person, later identified as Vinay Kumar, who was trying to withdraw the money. He took Vinay to Geeta Colony police station where an FIR was registered and Vinay was arrested, said BS Gurjar, DCP of East Delhi.
It was found that the amount of Rs 150 on the cheque was changed to Rs 24100. Police later caught the other accused Rahul Mishra on the basis information given by Vinay.
During interrogation, the duo told police that they were offered job by a placement agency run by a girl. They had later contacted one Vivek at Peeragarhi Chowk who had given them forged bank papers, cheques and the magic pen, added the officer.