A number of other protesters, predominantly JNU and Delhi University students, also painted a grim picture of the police action against them during a demonstration over dalit student Rohith Vemula's suicide on January 30.
"I spotted a few men, who were not in uniform, pulling a few of our woman activists. When I raised my voice against it, someone from the police counted 1,2,3 and launched an assault on us and cornered me.
Sanghka, who hails from Assam, said he received multiple injuries following which he was administered an injection at RML Hospital and is on painkillers since then.
Pratim Ghosal, an M.Phil student at JNU, said the incident happened around 4 PM when the protesters, numbering around 250, under the aegis of Joint Action Committee For Social Justice, tried to hold a meet in front of the RSS office.
Prashant Mukherjee, another final-year student at DSSW and SFI activist, said they were not planning to break the last barricade put up by the police but "all of a sudden" a number of hooligans launched the assault.