According to the police, the two accused, identified as Samir (34), the kingpin of the gang and his associate Mohammed Salman (24), both residents of Delhi were arrested by the Crime Branch on February 5 from near Dewan Nursing Home, Gandhi Marg, Shahdara following a tip off.
Two pistols along with seven live cartridges and two motorcycles have been recovered from their possession, police said.
During interrogation, the duo revealed that the gang is headed by Samir, who was previously involved in more than 30 cases of murder, robbery, snatching, attempt to murder, extortion and assault on police.
"They used to either buy or steal new motorcycles with powerful engines for easy escape. For every crime they used to use at least 2 to 3 motorcycles so as to cope up with any emergent situations. They also used to sell their bikes after one or two months and buy new one to avoid identification or police surveillance," said Yadav.
Further investigations are underway in this regard and efforts are on to nab the other members of the game, police said.