Additional Sessions Judge Bharat Parashar directed the Special Cell of Delhi Police to file their written submissions on framing of charges against the accused by June 30, the next date of hearing.
As soon as public prosecutor Rajiv Mohan started advancing his arguments on framing of charges, the court said that the probe done in the case was not proper and directed the police to file their written submissions.
The court directed the police to provide an advance copy of their written submission to advocates M S Khan and Akram Khan, who appeared for 72-year-old Tunda.
Advocate Khan told the court that if provided with the written submissions in advance, he would file his arguments on June 30.
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To this, the court also observed that it would not prolong the proceedings in the case anymore.
The court, however, had said there was a prima facie case made out under the Explosive Substance Act against Tunda who has been chargesheeted in the case.