Police said Bhagwan Das (50), his wife Sharda (48) and their daughter Sunita (20) consumed "sulphas" at their house at Khera Dabar in Jafarpur Kalan area yesterday. They were under depression after Kuldeep (23), a first-year MBBS student in Russia, committed suicide on August 19 while he had come to India on a vacation.
A case of abetment to suicide and cheating was registered against Alok and Naseem on the basis of the suicide note.
A police team visited Alok's residence in Ghaziabad today but he was not home, a senior police officer said.
His wife told police that he was out of town for some work and claimed that her husband had returned Rs 12.5 lakh to Bhagwan and promised to pay the balance by September 15, the officer said.
Bhagwan had also mentioned in his suicide note that his son Kuldeep was "worried" as the duo had failed to return the money despite repeated assurances.
The bodies of Bhagwan, his wife Sharda and daughter Sunita were handed to their relatives after post-mortem examination today, the officer said.
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