The Crime branch of Gurgaon police today arrested two persons who were involved in illegal supplying of red sandalwood logs and seized 15 ton of sandalwood worth Rs 1 crore from a godown in plot no-132 at sector-5 of Manesar.
The police said the accused person identified as Nika Tanje (28) and Safal Rasheli (22), are the natives of Darjeeling in West Bengal and were living in a rented accommodation in Gandhi Nagar area of Delhi, while their employer, Tanjig Nabu, a resident of green park in Delhi, is still on run.
"Nika and Safal worked for Tanjig from last year, they cut scandal logs in the godown and illegally supplied them in I- 20 car so that they couldn't be suspectedand arrested by the police," said Ved Prakash (DCP) crime Gurgaon.
The police raided the godown after receiving a tip-off that some people involved in illegal supplying of red sandalwood andkept hidden in godown in Manesar.
Police raided the area and arrested Safal and Nika, Prakash added.