"On March 19, a woman named Vishno Devi, resident of Udhampur, approached Police Station Gandhi Nagar and lodged a missing complaint stating that her 23-year-old daughter Shivani Jaral was missing since March 12 from her rented accommodation in Sanjay Nagar here," SSP Jammu, Uttam Chand told reporters here.
He said that soon after receiving the complaint, investigations were started. "Two days ago, the victim's mother informed the police that one Sunil Kumar and his wife Rajni Devi, residents of Chinore area, were involved in the kidnapping and illegal confinement of Shivani."
"After thorough and in-depth questioning, they deposed that they had killed the girl, chopped her body into pieces and dumped the parts in a septic tank of their rented accommodation at Chinore," the SSP said.
He said that the police party immediately rushed to the spot and in the presence of a team from Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) and a magistrate, the woman's body parts were recovered.
"A murder case has been registered and further investigations will reveal the intention and motive behind the murder. The accused couple was earlier involved in immoral trafficking in 2010 and the case stands registered at Bakshi Nagar police station," he said.