"The clerk, identified as Babulal Patel (50), posted in Maheshwr Janpad Panchayat in Khargone district, allegedly amassed wealth through corrupt means. Acting on a complaint, a 50-member Lokayukta team conducted raids at Maheshwar, Indore, and Machalpur villages," Lokayukta SP Virendra Singh told PTI.
He said that it has come to light during the raids that Patel has amassed movable and immovable assets worth over Rs 2.5 crore, grossly disproportionate to his income.
Singh said that domestic goods worth Rs 7.75 lakh, 28 bank accounts with Rs 14.73 lakh in deposit and a locker in Maheshwar were also found during the raids.
"Patel has also invested Rs 4.44 lakh in various insurance policies," the SP said, adding that a case under Prevention of Corruption Act has been registered against Patel.
The raids are over and estimation of properties is going on, he said, adding that no formal arrest has been made in this case yet.