Mizoram election department officials said that elaborate security arrangements were made for the polling officials as some members of the Mizo Students Union (MSU) reportedly were trying to obstruct the polling party from reaching the relief camps.
The Election Commission instructed the state election department to make arrangements for Bru voters in Tripura to exercise franchise through postal ballots in their respective camps on November 19 and 20.
Mizoram-Tripura border Mamit District SP Rodingliana Chawngthu told PTI over phone that around 45 MSU activists went to the border village of Kanhmun to make efforts to stop the polling party.
Chawngthu said that he did not expect any problem as elaborate security arrangements were made to ensure the safe passage for the polling party.
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The MSU leaders said that they did not object to the exercise of franchise by Bru voters, but opposed the casting of votes outside the state.
There were 11,612 voters in the Bru relief camps belonging to three districts and spreading over nine assembly constituencies.