The fallout led Prime Minister Donald Tusk to raise the spectre of snap elections as polls show plummeting support for his party Civic Platform (PO) and increased backing for the opposition Law and Justice (PiS).
Footage of government agents manhandling journalists from the Wprost weekly magazine that leaked the secret audio recordings has also raised alarm at home and abroad over press freedom.
The scandal "will fundamentally influence Polish politics and the opposition will attempt to extract maximum benefit," leading Warsaw analyst Edmund Wnuk-Lipinski said.
They purportedly feature central bank chief Marek Belka telling Interior Minister Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz he would support the government's economic policy if then finance minister Jacek Rostowski resigned.
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Tusk has denied sending his minister to meet Belka, who in the recording says Rostowski's "decommission" would be "essential" for the central bank to support government policy.
Rostowski was fired in November after six years on the job but the bank denied any deal was struck, saying Belka's comments were taken out of context.
Images of government agents attempting to wrestle a laptop out of the arms of Wprost's editor-in-chief have sparked international ire.
"It's the first time since 1989 (end of communism) that this has happened and all journalists are against you Mr Prime Minister," top Polish journalist Monika Olejnik said at a press conference.
The famously unflappable Tusk has so far resisted calls for him to quit by PiS leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski.
According to Warsaw political analyst Eryk Mistewicz, the leaks are a "velvety coup d'etat. Political blackmail aimed at ousting the prime minister".
Rising voter dissatisfaction with Tusk became clear last month when PO won the European Union parliament elections by less than a percentage point ahead of PiS.
The scandal comes as the ex-communist state -- and current NATO and EU member -- grapples with security concerns sparked by the escalating crisis in neighbouring Ukraine.
Polish media reports indicate there are several hundred hours of recordings of politicians and top businessmen that could still surface.