A look at how the American public rated the nation's performance in 2013:
The December AP-GfK poll showed the share of Americans who feel the nation is heading in the right direction rebounded to 34 per cent from its October low of 22 per cent, but it's not clear yet whether that's a directional shift or just a temporary recovery.
That 2011 figure marked the low point of President Barack Obama's time in office.
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Obama's approval ratings shifted notably this year, landing in negative territory on average for the first time in his presidency. In AP-GfK polling conducted this year that averaged the president's approval rating, 46 per cent approved of the president's job performance, while 50 per cent disapproved.
About 82 per cent of Americans disapproved of the way Congress handled its job this year, according to an average of AP-GfK polls. That's 20 points higher than the average disapproval rate in 2009 and the worst since the inception of the AP-GfK poll in 2008. In a rare show of party unity, disapproval of Congress topped 80 per cent among both Democrats (83 per cent) and Republicans (87 per cent).
One positive note: More now say the economy is in good shape than have at any prior point in Obama's tenure, though the rating remains fairly anemic. Overall, 26 per cent on average described the economy as "good" in this year's polling, up from an average of 23 per cent in 2012, 17 per cent in 2011, 19 per cent in 2010 and an abysmal 11 per cent in 2009.
Still, people don't hold much hope for the economy's prospects. Asked to look ahead a year, 37 per cent of Americans in the December AP-GfK poll said they thought the general economic situation would worsen, while 33 per cent thought it would improve. And while 32 per cent thought the number of unemployed Americans would drop, 36 per cent thought more people would lose jobs than get them in 2014.