Puducherry Chief Minister V Narayanasamy Sunday urged Kiran Bedi to quit as Lt Governor after the Madras High Court had recently held that the Lt Governor "cannot interfere in the day-to-day activities of the elected government in the union territory."
He also pointed out that the government had approached the Union Home Ministry for its nod to write off crop loans and after getting approval "we could implement the decision."
Narayanasamy alleged that implementation of the free rice scheme was also obstructed by Bedi, who he said raised raising several "amusing and hypothetical queries."
Narayanasamy who has been at loggerheads with Bedi on various administrative matters ever since she assumed charge in May 2016, said in a democracy "the elected government has the authorisation of the people and hence the Lt Governor cannot stand in the way of the implementation of the schemes decided by the cabinet."