The court said cases of mobile, computer and laptop theft are increasing and to improve the quality of investigation, the officers in top positions, constables and new recruits who are dealing with such matters are required to be imparted atleast basic technical training.
"With increase in the incidents of mobile/laptop theft and snatching where unknown offenders commit the crime and witnesses are not able to identify the offenders, electronic evidence is very crucial to trace the offender. Lack of knowledge about mobile/computer forensic not only scuttle the investigation but adversely affects the administration of justice, as offenders remains out of reach of police," Metropolitan Magistrate Abhilash Malhotra said.
The court had earlier asked Joint Commissioner of Police to apprise it on statistics of constables and head constables posted in North Delhi District and training provided to them in these fields.
Referring to the Joint CP's report, the court said it was clear that over 2300 head constables and constables are posted in North Delhi District and only 107 of them have been imparted basic computer training.
The magistrate said that in many cases there were lapses like keeping the crime scene intact and failure to control public persons who gather around the crime scene which may also disturb the forensic evidence.
It becomes difficult for a forensic expert to distinguish between the prints/traces of policemen or public persons and the one's of the suspect and victim, the court said.