Dal Khalsa today pasted posters in the city, especially in various Gurdwaras managed by the Shiromani Gurudwara Parbhandhak Committee (SGPC), against the jathedars of five Takhats quoting the recent decision by them in exonerating the Sirsa headquartered Dera Sach Sauda head Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh in an alleged blasphemous act in 2007.
The radicals said the jathedars' recent decision was not only politically motivated but also against the traditions and norms of the Sikh temporal seat.
In an appeal to Sikh community, the Dal Khalsa asked them to boycott the Jathedars as they had pardoned the Dera head. The posters also criticised the ruling Akali party for its "compromised and corrupt politics".
The Dal Khalsa, in the posters, also asked, "Who's responsible for making religious institutions subservient to politics?"
Hardliners in Punjab are against the recent edict of Akal Takht by which it had pardoned the Dera head for his alleged blasphemous act in 2007 by imitating a Sikh guru that sparked violence in Punjab and Haryana.