The poster, carrying the pictures of late K Kamaraj, Moopanar and his son and Union Minister G K Vasan, asked Vasan to take the lead in upholding the Tamils' respect, apparently in the wake of Congress coming under strident attack over Sri Lankan Tamils issue.
In swift action, TNCC President B S Gnanadesikan suspended party activist S Srikanth, who reportedly brought out the posters, for 'indiscipline' and issued a showcause notice asking him why he should not be expelled from Congress.
Moopanar, considered a powerful AICC leader, floated TMC in 1996 opposing Congress' alliance with Jayalalithaa-led AIADMK despite strong views against it among partymen and backed DMK, which went onto capture power with a strong majority.
Stunning many political observers, Moopanar aligned with Jayalalithaa in 2001 and after his death the same year, Vasan took over as TMC President.
However, the party was merged with Congress in 2002.