Senior Civil Judge Ajay Pandey directed the Ministry of Communication (Department of Post) and Director General (Posts) to compensate Postal Assistant Balwan Singh, posted in Gurgaon, for the harassment and loss due to his supersession by his juniors.
Singh had moved the court claiming compensation, alleging infringement of his fundamental right to equality and livelihood from June 8, 1982 to October 11, 1987. He said he became eligible for appointment as postman in February 1981, while he was asked to join duty only in October 1987 despite his junior already joining service on June 8, 1982.
"There is no explanation coming on record as to why the appointment letter to Singh was issued on October 8, 1987 and how the first candidate of the next batch joined the duties on June 8, 1982 without issuance of appointment letter to Singh, though he has already completed his training on February 26, 1981," the court said.
Singh said he was approved for the post of postman in February 1981 and completed his ten-day training from February 16 to 25 in 1981 as an approved candidate.
He said he was appointed to the post of postman vide postmaster Gurgoan office memo dated October 8, 1987 and he, accordingly, joined his duties on October 12, 1987.
Singh said after joining the duty, he got to know that his immediate junior candidate, as per the approved list of candidates issued way back on February 10, 1981, had already been appointed on June 8, 1982. (More)