Residents of Kasuhik Enclave, Laxmi Vihar, Burari village, Swaroop Nagar road, Satya Vihar, Kamal Vihar, Tomar Colony, Mukundpur, Radha vihar, Samta Vihar are among the areas that may face the power cuts.
"Tata Powers Delhi Distribution Limited (TPDDL) is attending it on priority and war footing and shall bring the same in service by May 17 afternoon," said a statement issued by the discom.
"TPDDL is making all possible efforts to ensure uninterrupted power supply and have made necessary arrangements to back feed the areas from other possible alternative sources, however due to unforeseen circumstances there is a possibility of some load shedding on rotational basis upto a maximum of 1 hour in the areas," it said.