Prime Minister Narendra Modi had announced from the ramparts of Red Fort on August 15, 2015 in his independence day speech that all 18,452 unelectrified villages would be electrified in 1,000 days, i.E by May 1, 2018.
According the GARV (Grameen Vidyutikaran) portal, which monitors the rural electrification programme in a real-time basis, as many as 12,033 villages have been electrified so far and work is underway in 5,665 villages.
As per the power ministry statement, nearly 1/3rd villages are left (5,665) of the total 18,452 villages, which are to electrified in nearly 460 days.
The remaining villages (which cannot be electrified in the given timeframe) are mostly in naxal areas, forest areas, riverine areas, flood-affected and hilly/remote areas.
Many of these villages do not have access through road and in many (of these villages) electrification would be the first major programme to be implemented, it added.
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