Launching projects valued at Rs 5,541 crore to improve transmission, distribution and equipments related to power supply, Kumar reminded the people that he had said in 2012 that he will not seek votes in 2015 Assembly polls if he was unable to improve power scenario in the state.
"We have worked every second for this and it has improved. Today we supply around 3,000 MW to our people in comparison to 700 MW earlier. Our capability to supply power has gone up to 4,500 MW," he said.
Goyal today said plants owned by Bihar government does not produce a single MW or unit of electricity and the entire power supply to Bihar is being met by the Centre.
Kumar's programme was held almost simultaneously as that of Goyal and he was not aware of the union minister's charge.
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Kumar added that construction work on the thermal power plant at Nabinagar in Aurangabad district was under progress. It is a joint venture between the state and NTPC.
The state government claimed improvement in power scenario in Bihar through full page advertisements in newspapers today.