Amarinder, the deputy leader of party in Lok Sabha and a frontrunner for the post, said "it is the prerogative of Congress president Sonia Gandhi (to reshuffle PPCC)."
Responding to a query if senior party leader Ambika Soni was being considered for the coveted post, he said he has apprised the party high command of his views.
"I have already clarified that I have put forth my point of view based on the ground realities and the sentiments of the common workers in Punjab to the high command", he said adding that the high command is seized of the entire matter.
Reportedly, Punjab Congress is set to get new teams as the party high command is likely to recast the state unit.
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Present incumbent Partap Singh Bajwa has been in the firing line of his bete noire Amarinder, who has put his bet on CLP leader Sunil Jakhar.
Earlier, addressing a public meeting at Dirba, Amarinder questioned the "sources of disproportionate assets and income" of the Badal family.
"When farmers across the state are in distress and several of them are committing suicide, there is only one farmer, Badal, who has weaved thousands of crores from his 80 acres of land he inherited from his father, besides few buffaloes," he said.