BJP Bhopal Lok Sabha candidate and Malegaon blast accused Pragya Singh Thakur Saturday hit out at Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Kamal Nath and alleged he was "guilty" in the 1984 anti-Sikh riots that followed the assassination of then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
Nath, speaking to reporters in Chhindwara on Friday, had condemned Thakur's statement on former Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad chief Hemant Karkare.
"I condemn Pragya Thakur's statement. If this her start, where its end will take them," Nath had said.
Hitting back, Thakur said, "A person guilty in the 1984 riots who is Madhya Pradesh chief minister now is asking what will be my end. Don't talk about my end. He (Nath) has no moral right to bother about a sadhvi. You stay put in your corrupt life."