Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel claimed on Sunday that Pragya Singh Thakur used to ride motorcycle wearing jeans and T-shirt and cannot be called a 'sadhvi' because she now dons saffron robes.
The Congress leader also alleged that the BJP's Bhopal Lok Sabha seat candidate, an accused in the 2008 Malegan blast case and currently out on bail, was a "habitual criminal" who had stabbed a man and attacked many people with "slipper".
The BJP reacted sharply to Baghel's remarks, dubbing them as "shameful and baseless".
Baghel told reporters, "She wore T-shirt and jeans and used to ride a motorcycle when she stayed with her brother-in-law at Bilaigarh (in Balodabazar district) in Chhattisgarh."