The company had reported a net profit of Rs 62.36 crore in the January-March quarter in 2013-14, the company said in a BSE filing.
The total income from operations for the quarter under review stood at Rs 638.97 crore as against 717.02 crore during the corresponding period a year-ago.
Total expenses stood at Rs 557.30 crore for the period as against Rs 621.50 crore a year-ago.
For the full year (2014-15), the company's net profit recorded a sharp decline to Rs 9.34 crore from Rs 173.16 crore in 2013-14.
Total expenses stood at Rs 2,525 crore in the year as against Rs 2,338.72 crore in 2013-14.
The shares of the company closed at Rs 36.75 a scrip on the BSE, down 6.61 per cent from the previous close.