Directed and produced by Prakash Mehra, the film marked the arrival of Amitabh Bachchan as the 'Angry Young Man'. It was also the peak of a new trend where aging villains like Pran went versatile and took up strong character roles to hold on to their territory.
The new version, being directed by Apoorva Lakhia, will see Telugu actor Ram Charan, son of Chiranjeevi, stepping into Big B's shoes, while Priyanka Chopra will reprise the role of Jaya Bachchan.
The role of Sher Khan, essayed by 93-year-old in the original, is being played by Sanjay Dutt now.
"Sanjay is tied up with work. He did say he wanted to come and meet daddy. But he couldn't come," Pinky said.
The remake has been in news for a while regarding copyright and royalty issues. Noted writers -- Salim Khan and Javed Akhtar -- who scripted the original, have been fighting for the intellectual rights of the new version.