"After obtaining people's mandate, we start misbehaving. If we do not discharge our minimum responsibility and try to gag others by resorting to disruption, I do feel we are causing a great deal of disservice to the people," Mukherjee said at the Jamnalal Bajaj Awards function here today.
"Nobody compels me to seek votes. We seek votes. We ask them give me votes, I would like to serve you and after obtaining that I do not do my work, I do not allow others to do their work, that is simply not acceptable," he added.
"We were never told that there is a fourth D - disruption," he said.
Mukherjee said the job of a law maker is never offered to anybody but sought for. The country can never forget the core values of its 5000-year-old civilisation which is based on tolerance, pluralism, discipline, patriotism.
"We must imbibe these values in our deeds or we will be suddenly jolted as the consciousness of the whole country was tormented last December," he said referring to the Delhi gang rape incident.