In a veiled attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, senior Congress leader Digvijay Singh on Wednesday said the "Pratham Sevak" should take care of "Pratham Sevika", besides taking care of Muslim mothers and sisters.
The Congress leader also appealed to the Modi-led government to take care of and make laws for protection of Hindu women abandoned by their husbands.
"Triple talaq ki chinta hai par, Pratham Sevak ji, zara Pratham Sevika ka khayaal toh rakho (Your are concerned over triple talaq but Pratham Sevak ji, please take care of the Pratham Sevika)," Singh said.
He was speaking at a protest held at the Iqbal Maidan in the Madhya Pradesh capital against the amended Citizenship Act and the National Register of Citizens.
"It is on record that I had said in the Rajya Sabha that the 'Pratham Sevak' should also take care of 'Pratham Sevika'," Singh said without taking any names.