Alleging tardy pace of investigation by Mumbai police into the actor's death, Shankar Banerjee and Soma Banerjee said, "We demand a CBI probe into Pratyusha's murder to unearth the truth. Who are behind Pratyusha's boyfriend, Rahul Raj, who was booked for abetment of suicide and criminal intimidation in connection with her death? How come he is roaming scot-free as if he is the son-in-law of the police despite being an accused in the Pratyusha's murder?".
The campaign will take place at Bata Chowk in Sakchi market from 5 pm to 8 PM, they said.
Tomorrow's campaign is preceded by an online campaign today where around 700 people have already shown their support for a CBI probe.
"We will also meet Jharkhand Chief Minister Raghubar Das and the Chairperson of Women Commission in Ranchi day after tomorrow in support of the demand," they said.
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The parents alleged that Pratyusha was not allowed to maintain any relationship with her parents by the accused and was being administered drug by him and was under its influence.
About Rahul's mother allegedly not facing media, they also charged that Rahul's parents particularly his mother was either totally involved in Pratyusha's death or else she was well aware about Rahul's character.
"He (Rahul) has cheated and looted nine girls," the actor's father said stating that they are gathering evidences against Rahul and succeeded to some extent.
On April 1, the 24-year-old actress, who shot to fame for her role of Anandi in the hit TV series "Balika Vadhu", allegedly committed suicide by hanging herself inside her flat at Goregoan area of western suburbs.
Pratyusha's parents had recently written a letter to Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh seeking a probe by a premier central agency into the case.
The two-page letter had requested the minister to hand over the probe into Banerjee's death to the "most premier investigating agency" as the probe carried out by police so far appeared "suspicious".
Rahul had "trapped" Pratyusha Banerjee on the pretext of love and emptied her bank accounts worth Rs 1.5 crore, they told media today.
The parents also demanded probe into how much of money Rahul had generated in the name of Pratyusha from Jamshedpur on the alleged false promise of producing films.