"They (India Meteorological Department) need to develop a more precise observational and forecasting capability," M Shashidhar Reddy, Vice Chairman, National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) said here.
He said IMD followed a standard format of weather forecast and used certain terminologies like rainfall, heavy rainfall, but "how are we supposed to translate it into action? They need to pinpoint where and how much it is going to rain."
Reddy was addressing the inaugural session of the South Asia Regional Consultation on Climate Change Adaptation.
"As far as our shortcomings are concerned, we are ready to work on it," he said, adding that the government auditor needed to be sensitised about disasters.
"There is a table in the CAG report which lists India's major disasters in the last ten years and I am surprised they haven't mentioned the 2005 Mumbai floods which indicates that people in CAG need to become sensitive," he said.
David Mcloughlin, Deputy Representative, UNICEF India and Convener of India's United Nations Disaster Management Team, lauded the government's efforts in carrying out the rescue operations.