The Judge K Karipal directed the Vigilance and Anti-corruption Bureau to make an inquiry against DGP, Jacob Job, former Thrissur City Commissioner of Police now under suspension, K Jayachandran Pillai, Assistant Commissioner of Police, Bijukumar, Circle Inspector of Police Peramangalam and three other civil police officers.
The court gave the direction while considering a petition filed by one Biju Kochu Paul, alleging that the officials had helped the controversial businessman and the lone accused in the murder of a security guard Chandrabose.
Meanwhile, Home Minister Ramesh Chennithala said there was nothing wrong in the court's direction. 'What I came to understand is that the order is for a quick verification of the allegations. It is normal for the court to do that', he said.
"Let there be a probe, it is good', Chennithala who had made it clear that government had full faith in Balasubramaniyam and had no doubt about his integrity.
The case against Nisham was that in a fit of rage and inebriated state, he assaulted security guard Chandra Bose and later rammed him with his vehicle over delay in opening the gate at a posh residential township here on January 27 and Bose succumbed to his injuries on February 16.