Commander Kaustubh Gosavi, who hails from Nigadi village Koregaon taluka of Satara district in western Maharashtra, is the only recipient of the prestigious gallantry award. He is an alumnus of the National Defence Academy and Sainik School Satara.
"On September 27 last year, Commander Gosavi, while borne with 842 Squadron (Helicopters) was required to undertake medical evacuation of two crew from a merchant ship (MV Kurobe) located 35 nautical miles into the sea off Mumbai," an official release said.
"The high levels of professionalism and resoluteness towards accomplishment of the mission in hostile weather conditions, whilst operating at fringes of Chetak helicopter ranges are beyond the call of duty, highly praiseworthy and in keeping with the highest traditions of the Services. Commander Gosavi, has been awarded Nao Sena Medal (Gallantry) for the same," it said.