The Prime Minister, accompanied by wife Gursharan Kaur, and UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi visited Singh's residence at Sujan Singh Park and paid homage to the author, known as one of the finest writers in English in contemporary India, who died today at the age of 99.
Condoling the author's death, President Pranab Mukherjee described him as a "fearless intellectual" who had sharp insight and unique wit, as well as sense of humour.
The Prime Minister described Singh as "a gifted author, candid commentator and a dear friend" who lived a truly creative life."
BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi tweeted, "My condolences on the passing away of noted author & journalist Khushwant Singh. May his soul rest in peace."
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Scores of eminent citizens including Kuldip Nayar, Bishan Singh Bedi and author Vikram Seth paid tributes to Singh at his residence.
Former IPS officer Kiran Bedi remembered playing tennis with Singh. "His hearty laughter over certain shots! He played to enjoy and not compete!"
"He never minced his words and was a courageous person. I remember once having dinner with him when he showed up his tremendous knowledge about Urdu poetry. What a lovable man he was!" said Tully.
Leading journalist and author M J Akbar said Singh was an admirable man.
"I have this unreserved gratitude for him. I was a kid, 20-year-old in a newspaper, and he really picked us up from nothing. He gave us opportunities which were undreamt of for any young person wanting to do anything," he said.