"...As the Speaker (Lok Sabha) is present here, I would also like to put the opportunity of sharing my concern that not adequate time we are devoting in Parliament while sanctioning money, while imposing taxes, before scrutiny of the law, before scrutiny of expenditure proposals despite the establishment of institutional arrangement like Parliamentary Standing Committee are not taking place before the passage of the Finance Bill," he said.
The President said many studies has been conducted by Parliament itself indicated the time devoted for legislations in the first, second, third and fourth Lok Sabha for disposing off financial matters were much more compared to the later Parliaments.
"Therefore, I do feel that time has arisen to take some corrective courses. As it has been correctly pointed out by Speaker, Parliament has three important committees - PAC, Estimated committee, committee on public undertakings through which Parliament can exercise control not only over the policies, but also how the money was spent, how the resources are utilised, how the resources are mobilised," he said.