"The British Prince (Harry) comes to Afghanistan to kill innocent Afghans while he is drunk. He wants to hunt down Mujaheddin with his helicopter rockets without any shame," Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, who has been designated a global terrorist by the US, said in an interview to 'The Daily Telegraph'.
In comments from a mountain base reportedly to be close to Af-Pak border, the warlord indicated that the Afghan rebels were hunting for the prince.
"But he (Harry) does not understand this simple fact that the hunting of Afghan lions and eagles is not that easy! Jackals cannot hunt lions," claimed Hekmatyar, a former prime minister of Afghanistan.
Hekmatyar was Prime Minister of Afghanistan from 1993 to 1994 and again briefly in 1996.
Hekmatyar pointed to a recent attack on a base where Prince Harry was located he said: "During the Mujaheddin attack on the American base the Prince saw that he was the one about to be hunted and was searching for a hole in which to hide himself."
The warlord accused Britain of dragging "herself into this unjustified, useless but cruel conflict to please the White House. The British did not gain anything instead they lost blood and treasure."
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"I do not understand how the British public accept their children being sent to certain death in order to please American generals."
"It seems that some British authorities still dream about the times of the eighteenth and nineteenth century and they want their ambassador to be treated like a viceroy and their prince to go out in uniform to hunt for human beings and play the satanic role that they used to play in the past," he said.
Prince Harry who is an RAF helicopter pilot deployed in Afghanistan, had killed a Taliban leader in an airstrike, notching up his first 'kill', British media reported last month.
The 27-year-old was called in to provide air support to troops tracking a commander-level Taliban chief and hit the target with a 100 lb Hellfire missile fired from an Apache helicopter.