"Of course I would love to have kids right now but there's a process that one has to go through and tours like this are great fun. Hopefully I'm doing all right by myself," he said in an interview with 'Sky News' during his ongoing tour of New Zealand.
It would be great to have someone else next to me to share the pressure, but you know, time will come and whatever happens, happens," he added.
The royal, who was pushed down to fifth in line to Britain's throne by his new niece Princess Charlotte, is on a week-long tour of the Commonwealth nation before he returns to the UK.
The 30-year-old bachelor prince recently retired from the Armed Forces after completing a month-long attachment with the Australian Defence Force and will focus voluntary work in the coming months.
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He said he was looking forward to returning home to hold the new princess.
"I didn't see any coverage at all. He (Prince William) sent me two photos, one before everybody else, which was nice and then another one with her back with George back home. I'm so looking forward to seeing her, to meeting her and to holding her," he said.
He spent the evening at its only pub and enjoyed a feisty pub quiz with the residents, with his team, the Ginger Ninjas, finishing second.
"The intention always was to try and get to every single corner of New Zealand and meet as many different tribes, backgrounds and people as New Zealand has to offer," he said.
Earlier Harry was put on the spot when schoolchildren grilled him on issues from the intricacies of the British monarchy to whether or not he lives in a castle.