Nearly two months after she was given a key party post, Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Tuesday launched her first political rally taking on Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his home state of Gujarat over "unfulfilled" promises and also alleged that hatred was being spread under his rule.
With her brother and Congress president Rahul Gandhi and mother Sonia Gandhi by her side, Priyanka said she was "saddened" by what was happening in the country and asked where were the promised jobs. Priyanka officially joined Congress and was made AICC incharge of Uttar Pradesh(east) on January 23.
With Lok Sabha elections round the corner, Priyanka asked people to be vigilant, treat their vote as a "weapon", raise the right issues and take wise decisions.
"Our institutions are being destroyed. Wherever you see, hatred is being spread," she told the rally near Adalaj village of Gandhinagar district.
"Nothing matters more to us that you and I protect this nation, work for it and move forward together."
"You are going to decide your future in this election. Don't fall prey to meaningless issues. Focus on issues that will make you grow, like how youth will get jobs, how women will feel safe and what should be done for farmers."
"The people who made tall claims in 2014, ask them about the Rs 15 lakh that was to be deposited into your account. Ask them about the promises they made about women security and about employment."