Actor Priyanka Chopra said she intentionally chose to wear a Marchesa gown to her bridal shower to support longtime friend and designer Georgina Chapman, who divorced disgraced producer Harvey Weinstein after he was accused of sexual harassment by multiple women.
The 36-year-old actor, who is tying the knot with American Singer Nick Jonas in December this year, told Women's Wear Daily that Chapman should not suffer for the fault of her ex-husband.
Chopra called the decision to wear the gown as "women supporting women".
"Georgina's a friend of mine, and she has been. And it's not her fault. And I don't think it's right to take it out on a self-made woman what somebody in her life did.
"That's the wrong attitude. I've known her for years, and that was a beautiful gown, and deserved to be worn by a bride-to-be. And it made me feel like a princess. It was the right choice," Chopra added.