Gurgaon-born Priyanshu started the day with a bogey to lose on the first hole but then started a see-saw battle as he clinched the next three holes to go 2-up.
Rana clawed his way back with fine victories on 5th, 9th, 11th and 16th and when the 17th hole was halved between the two players Priyanshu had the slender 1-up advantage. At the 18th Priyanshu displayed amazing nerves as he first made a 25-feet chip and then a 20-footer putt to register the clincher birdie.
Earlier in the day 9th standard student of Naval Public School in Chankyapuri, Kshitij defeated Ankur Chadha with a 2 & 1 in the quarterfinal this morning, which they couldn't finish yesterday due to the fading lights.