At a function organized by the Trade and Taxes Department, seven top winners were awarded with a prize of Rs 50,000 each. The cash prizes worth Rs 8.5 Lakh were distributed by Sisodia in today's prize distribution function of the Bill Banvao Inaam Pao Scheme.
Awarding the winners with cash prizes the Deputy CM asked the people to become brand ambassador of the scheme to enable the government to collect tax (Revenue) which will be further used for Delhi, its hospitals, roads, education, flyovers, better health and medical facilities for the welfare of the people.
Sisodia further said that by participating in the scheme and uploading the bills, people have effectively ensured that the hard earned money they pay as VAT reaches the government for development of the city's infrastructure".
He advised the VAT Commissioner to promote and propagate the Bill Banvao Inaam Pao Scheme among 26 lakh students in schools to encourage their parents and family members further to make the scheme as a "movement."
People can participate in the scheme by downloading the "DVATBILL" from Google Playstore or Appstore and uploading the bills of their purchase through the App. One per cent of the entries are selected for prize through computerised draw of lots. Winners get prize equal to five times the amount of bill upto a maximum of Rs 50,000.