Raising the issue under Rule 377 in Lok Sabha today, Muttemwar said the government should inquire why the project is incomplete despite spending a huge amount all these years.
The foundation stone of the project was laid by late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in 1988.
"The project was to be executed at an estimated cost of Rs 461.19 crore which escalated to Rs 2,091.13 crore in 1999, Rs 5,649.09 crore in 2007, Rs 7,777.78 crore in February 2008 and it has now been estimated at Rs 13,739 crore. Yet, the project remained unexecuted due to lack of funds," he said.
Despite drought in the state, no concrete steps are being taken to accelerate work on this project which is expected to irrigate 2,50,800 hectares of land in Nagpur, Chandrapur and Bhandara districts, the Congress MP said.
Even after 25 years, families displaced due to the land acquisition for this project are yet to be rehabilitated or compensated, he said.
"Therefore, I would urge the government to thoroughly inquire why the project has not been completed despite spending huge amounts and also appoint an agency to regularly monitor the work and expenditure," the release quoted Muttemwar as saying.