The government will start unveiling the classified files on Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose from his birth anniversary on January 23 next year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced on Wednesday, meeting a seven-decade-old demand for disclosing details which could solve the mystery over his disappearance seven decades ago in August 18, 1945.
Modi made the promise to 35 of Netaji’s family members whom he hosted at his official residence here, declaring, “there is no need to strangle history. Nations that forget their history lack the power to create it.”
In a tweet, he said he will urge foreign governments to declassify files available on Netaji by writing to them and personally taking it up with foreign leaders during meetings, starting with Russia in December.
The demands for declassification of secret files have been growing lately, especially after the Mamata Banerjee government in West Bengal recently declassified 64 files in its possession.
“We had a remarkable & extensive interaction...I told Subhas Babu's family members - please consider me a part of your family. They shared valuable suggestions with me,” the Prime Minister said.
Modi made the promise to 35 of Netaji’s family members whom he hosted at his official residence here, declaring, “there is no need to strangle history. Nations that forget their history lack the power to create it.”
The demands for declassification of secret files have been growing lately, especially after the Mamata Banerjee government in West Bengal recently declassified 64 files in its possession.
“We had a remarkable & extensive interaction...I told Subhas Babu's family members - please consider me a part of your family. They shared valuable suggestions with me,” the Prime Minister said.