The upcoming sequel to the 2008 musical stars Shraddha as a budding singer. The actress recalls watching the first part in a theatre, after which she told her father that if a second installment were to be ever made, she would star in it.
When Shraddha got to know that "Rock On 2" was being planned, she immediately contacted the makers.
"I didn't even think twice, I called up Ritesh (Sidhwani, producer) and asked 'Is this true? Do you want to meet me for it?' He said, 'Yeah. We would love to meet you.' So that's how it happened.
Shraddha gave a singing audition to the film's composer Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy. For the movie, the actress trained with singer-vocal coach Samantha Edwards and the actress said that the experience helped her with the role.
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"She does what her heart wants to do. He said that he wanted me to spend more time with myself, alone. I started putting a DND sign outside my door, so my family would not come. I used to sit with a dog, read a book and reduce going out with friends," Shraddha said.
bubbly' characters in her films but "Rock On 2" is a departure from those roles as she will be seen playing a person with a calm demeanour.
Shraddha said being softer than her usual self for the role was a challenge.
"Except for 'Aashiqui', be it 'Baaghi', 'ABCD 2', 'Ek Villain', the way the character spoke was slightly more animated, at a higher pitched voice also. It was challenging to be softer. In the film, I had to speak in a very calm and composed manner. On the set too, if I said a line in a loud way, my director would ask me to not be bubbly."
"I nervous about it because people will naturally compare it. I hope people enjoy this film as much as they enjoyed the first one. I was one of the people who went completely mad, crazy about 'Rock On!!'. It will be good if people go mad about this one too," she said.