Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani Thursday said projects with a combined investment of over Rs 1,66,000 crore, for which MoUs were signed in the Vibrant Gujarat Summit held in January, have been initiated across the state.
Addressing a function at Mahatma Mandir here, Rupani said a total of 1,737 projects are either under implementation stage, or inaugurated or have seen foundation stone laying ceremonies.
Among these, 459 projects with a proposed investment of Rs 24,743 crore were inaugurated Thursday by Rupani through remote control here.
In addition, he also launched 1,030 projects worth Rs 1,09,593 crore which are under implementation at present.
The CM also laid the foundation stone for 248 projects worth Rs 32,011 crore through remote control.
Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) were signed for these projects during the the 9th edition of Vibrant Gujarat Summit held here from January 18 to 20.
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"We had announced that we will launch projects worth Rs 1,11,000 crore before the end of March.
"But, due to efforts of our officials, we have surpassed that target as we are launching projects with a combined investment of Rs 1,66,347 crore today.
"We were able to achieve this feat in just 45 days since the Vibrant Summit ended," Rupani said.
"Some people used to criticise the Vibrant Summit, claiming projects signed during this event does not take off. Today's event is an answer to such people," he added.
During the function, Rupani also announced the Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation will set up an IT park, named 'GIDC Tech Hub', at GIFT City near the state capital.
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