Tamil Nadu Telecommunications is a joint venture of Telecommunications Consultants India, Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation, and Fujikura Ltd (Japan).
"Tamil Nadu Telecommunications Limited (TTL) is a sick Company under BIFR and a Sanctioned Scheme was issued by BIFR in July, 2010. Though the projections made were achievable, due to various reasons the big projects of Government got delayed," the company said in a statement.
As the company's total capacity utilisation was less than 25 per cent it was not able to take up the government's project to cover all the villages under broadband, it said.
Telecommunications Consultants of India holds 49 per cent stake in the company and was supporting Tamil Nadu Telecommunications for more than six years. But due to low level of capacity utilisation, Telecommunications Consultants of India said it was not in a position to offer its support to Tamil Nadu Telecommunications Ltd, it said.
"In view of the above, the promoters and joint venture partners meeting has been proposed on January 19, to discuss and decide the future of the Company", it said.