"The disinvestment is as per the Government of India guidelines. This five per cent dilution is very small. As per SEBI guidelines there should be 10 per cent (of public share holding). We are having 6.64 per cent now and balance about five per cent is proposed by Department of Disinvestment..", Neyveli Lignite Corporation, Chairman and Managing Director, B Surender Mohan told reporters here.
He clarified that the dilution of five per cent stake would not affect the Public Sector Undertaking status. "As Navaratna company we must have 10 per cent (public shareholding)", he said.
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa recently had written a letter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh opposing the move of diluting five per cent stake in NLC.
DMK President M Karunanidhi had said the dilution of five per cent stake would only earn the Manmohan Singh government further opposition in Tamil Nadu. CPI-M and MDMK too opposed the move.