Investment proposals of about Rs 19,057 crore have been received under Modified-Special Incentive Package Scheme (M-SIPS) and Rs 6,295.93 crore under the Electronics Manufacturing Clusters (EMC) scheme, an official in the Communications and IT Ministry, said.
The official added that 58 proposals are for electronic hardware manufacturing under M-SIPS. Of these, 30 have already been approved and five more have been recommended for approval entailing investments of Rs 7,794 crore.
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Under M-SIPS, the government provides subsidy for investments in capital expenditure with a limit of 20% for investments in Special Economic Zone (SEZ) and 25% in non-SEZs.
The official said that investments proposals have come from segments like electronic components, telecom network equipment, LED, consumer electronics, automotive and strategic electronics.
The government had approved a policy to provide preference to domestically manufactured electronic goods in all central government ministries and departments, except the Defence Ministry, and their agencies.