National Green Tribunal Chairperson Justice Adarsh Kumar Goel on Friday said all citizens should join hands for a mass movement to save the environment and build a better tomorrow.
"It is the duty of every citizen to protect our environment for our future generations," he said at workshop here on 'Awareness for Environment Protection'.
According to an official release, the workshop was dedicated to Guru Nanak Dev on his 550th birth anniversary.
Goel said the workshop was organized to bring out the urgent need for awareness among the stakeholders in particular and the masses in general to protect and improve the fast-deteriorating environmental conditions.
"Because, if we do not build a better environment there will be no better tomorrow," the NGT chairperson said.
Justice Goel further said the workshop on awareness for environmental protection has given an ambitious goal to all the stakeholders to be partners in this mission to ensure 'better environment for better tomorrow'.
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Justice Jasbir Singh, chairman of NGT monitoring committee for rivers Sutlej and Beas, said due to increasing pollution the world was facing climate change and if the environment kept polluted at the same pace then the losses would be irreparable.
During the workshop, speakers discussed air pollution scenario in this region in general and Punjab in particular and cleared various questions raised by the audience, the release stated.